Many SIU analysts spend significant time and effort trying to find connections and patterns of organized fraud activity in their claims data. But organized fraud rings have gotten too sophisticated to be detected using conventional fraud analysis tools.
Network Analysis uses sophisticated node link analysis and fraud analytics to find connections among massive amounts of data.
Compress weeks of complex, multi-claim analysis into hours, reducing the burden on your investigative resources.
View carrier, industry, and third-party claims data from multiple sources compiled into one centralized location.
Identify suspicious claims patterns and trends proactively.
Advanced analytics and data visualization technology in Network Analysis accelerates SIU analysts' detection of fraud patterns, compressing weeks of analysis into hours. This efficiency streamlines organized claims fraud investigations, reducing detection-to-referral time.
This powerful solution has direct query access to ClaimSearch® and analyzes several data sources, including medical billing, weather event history, human resources data, financial records, and more.
Network Analysis provides an interface to Google Maps for location insights; powerful workflows and reporting capabilities to increase efficiency, and quick implementation with minimal IT lift.
Network Analysis is powered by data from over 1.8 billion claims within the ClaimSearch database.
Explore our full suite of anti-fraud claims solutions.
Fast-track claims while improving fraud detection with access to data from more than 1.8 billion claims.
Get hundreds of supplemental data reports to enhance claim analysis and investigations.
These models deliver enhanced claim scores and reason codes to detect potential fraud and support investigations.
Advanced analytics and expert clinical oversight to detect medical provider fraud, waste, and abuse.
This automated process applies a series of algorithms to every customer-submitted loss photo to expose anomalies.