Throughout the year, experts from Verisk will host web seminars focusing on topical issues facing the industry. Additionally, we'll feature new and/or improved product offerings in our product spotlight series. Our web seminars are complimentary and open to insurers, agents, brokers, and risk managers.
Tuesday, February 25th, 2025
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST
The nation’s psychoactive substances landscape has evolved rapidly in the 12 years since Washington state and Colorado took the momentous steps of legalizing recreational adult-use marijuana within their borders. Not only have additional states legalized marijuana either for medical or recreational use by adults, but novel types of drugs—some derived from cannabis, some loosely regulated—are proliferating across legitimate retail operations.
This development has led to growing litigation, including wrongful death lawsuits, which may be heightening liability concerns across numerous industries in the supply chain for these substances.
Join us on Feb. 25, 2025, at 11:00am ET, for the next Emerging Issues webinar. We’ll discuss: