It has long been observed that profitability varies significantly by company, line of business, individual market, underwriting cycle and other external events. Due to the pandemic, the expected profit levels will be affected more than ever by distorting effects of dramatically changing premium levels, rate adequacies, and impacts of changing loss development patterns.
Using the latest analytics, this webinar updates our research across dozens of markets linking historical profitability by company size and speed, prior significant premium level changes, lengthening loss development factors, and provides a framework for analyzing distorting affects under various scenarios for ground-up and excess losses into 2021.
Presentation Date:
Monday, August 31, 2020
Who Should Watch:
Primary, excess, and reinsurance actuaries and underwriters; product managers; all levels of underwriting and actuarial pricing and reserving professionals
Marni Wasserman, ACAS, MAAA
Actuarial Associate, Excess and Reinsurance
John W. Buchanan, FCAS, MAAA
Managing Principal, Excess and Reinsurance